Thursday, 7 March 2019
Monday, 4 February 2019
Friday, 1 February 2019
Wisdom of the Universe: What If You Lose Everything?
Dr. Bruce A. Johnson
You are quite aware of the fact life is fragile and can be taken away at any moment. You also are familiar with the clichés about life being short and there are no guarantees given to anyone. But what would you do if you woke up tomorrow and everything you cared about, such as your home, your family, and/or your job, were all gone? How would you respond if you lost everything but your life? What would your new reality become? Who would you turn to or would you have anyone you could ask for help?
Your life is a collection of memories, experiences, adventures, and events. It is often referred to as a "history" when in fact, a person can have many "histories" based upon the life they have experienced. If someone has been in multiple relationships, lived in numerous locales, initiated personal transformations, or brought about other forms of significant changes, there are different paths which have been followed throughout their life. This means whenever they reflect upon their past it isn't one history to draw upon and remember, it is many histories with a variety of starting and ending points.
What is prominent in the minds of most people each day is the current path and direction being followed. Most people are thinking about the events of today and how to try to cope with the demands put upon them. The daily responsibilities of a job, along with time spent commuting to and from that job, can take up most of the waking day. Yet some people will be thinking long-term about the future, trying to develop a strategy to be prepared for it, as if it can be controlled. For others, thoughts of the future can provoke fear and apprehension, when it seems as if the present cannot provide for that future. Those who are experiencing mental illness, depression, or cognitive disorders may find fear of the present and the future is part of their every day thought process.
You may find yourself reflecting on the past as a point of reference, trying to compare where you are at now to some prior point in time. The hope is that you are bettering yourself and your life as you develop jobs and a career, whether for yourself and/or your family. It can seem to be a constant struggle, referred to as "trying to make ends meet" or "trying to get ahead", as jobs come and go, within an economy which seems to constantly fluctuate. While you may believe you have the right skills and experience necessary to succeed, finding the right career path may be a challenge as you find yourself continually searching. This creates a mindset of always looking forward and back, making comparisons to where you're going and where you've been. But at the heart of it is usually a good intention, to create a better way forward and a better life.
Then as you progress over time, and you begin to learn what life can teach you, you see what a career and job means to you. There is a new understanding about the skills and experience you possess, along with how you want to leverage the background you have worked so hard to acquire. Perhaps you have a focus on earning a significant income, or you may be seeking a career which offers professional fulfillment. Either way, the longer your career evolves with time, the more you understand what it means to nurture and develop job skills and find fulfilling work. You also develop a deeper awareness and appreciation for those people who are in your life and support your hard work. You want to enjoy your life with those who are closest to you and this is all part of maturing, along with seeking greater meaning from life as you get older. In a sense, it is a growing self-awareness and a personal self-awakening which occurs over time.
As you are getting older, you begin discovering how much you value and appreciate not only your life, but the lives of those you hold close to you. For those of you who are younger and are reading this, you may not quite understand this message. When you are younger, you may only see the present and believe you have nothing but unlimited time ahead of you. It may not be possible to realize the struggles which are ahead for your life, or how many different paths you may travel on in your journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. In fact, if you look at many social media websites, you will see an endless array of photos every day of young people vying for attention, in various stages of dress and undress, trying to express themselves and gain followers. One day you will understand the futile purpose of this time spent, when it fails to produce lasting meaning and fulfillment for your life.
Even more important for awakening to life is being someone who is unique and fails to fit in with societal norms. When you watch television and movies, look at advertising, and listen to rhetoric posed by religious and political leaders, a list of societal norms becomes clear. And just because laws change does not mean those norms change either. Marriage equality will never change most religious dogma. Those who are outside of societal norms include those who are gay, bisexual, transgender, have physical characteristics which are not "normal" (being overweight, disabled), have a "particular" skin color, are of an "unacceptable" culture, and the list continues.
And so, a person can have multiple histories, struggle to develop a career, and feel out of place in society, all at the same time, and still value their life more than ever. Why? Because they want to fit in, feel normal, become accepted, and/or find love.
Assume someone has nurtured a career through high points and low, developed a loving relationship, faced rejection from living outside of societal norms, understands and cherishes the importance of life, and has done the best they can with the circumstances they are in now. What happens if they wake up one day and find they have lost everything? For example, their job was terminated, their relationship ended as a result of their job loss, their home was taken, friends turned their back on this person, and society viewed this person in the worst possible light. How does a person who loves and value life face the loss of everything they cherish when it seems as if all hope is suddenly gone? Is this the consequence of being outside of the societal norm? Is this punishment for living an alternative lifestyle?
Religious leaders will tell this person to pray, and yet praying and pleading your case to a supreme being is not the answer. Mankind is not controlled by a figure in the sky, who is collecting individual souls to wander around streets of gold for all of eternity. Those were metaphors made up as part of the stories created to develop rhetoric for control purposes. The only way to enforce a set of morals is to create a supreme being who is the ultimate judge of man's behavior. Yet there is a source of life and it is an energy source, not a being. The Energy Source of Life is not a person, it is the Collective Consciousness of Mankind or the memories of all humans. This energy source is all around humans, flowing to and through everyone, nurturing and giving life to all the universe. This Energy Source of Life gives sustenance to all living beings, from humans to animals and planets. Through each human's mind they can access the wisdom of this Collective Consciousness for guidance on how to live their lives. This is what man refers to as God, yet it is not a person or a being, but a source of energy which guides all life.
When someone is faced with the loss of all they hold dear, and they discover that praying is not the answer for the situation, what then can they do to help alleviate their pain and create a new outcome? How does someone access the Collective Consciousness of Mankind when their mind is so overwhelmed with thoughts of despair and grief?
A universal truth is this: Humans have established the word "loss" as a powerful emotion to signify tragic events and significant occurrences. In doing so, humans develop strong emotional attachments to each other and to physical objects. The idea of "losing" another human, or a cherished personal belonging, evokes powerful negative emotions within a person. Words such as grief and sorrow are used to express those emotions to one another.
These sentiments have been passed down from one generation to the next. When someone or something has been declared to be gone, there are platitudes offered, usually in the form of an expression which begins with "our thoughts and prayers", as if those words hold any true value to the sender or provide comfort to the receiver. Those expressions have become so over-utilized they almost seem trite, to the point it would almost be more meaningful to acknowledge another person's feelings with no words than state something cliché.
The Mark of an Ending
When a person or cherished personal belonging is no longer with someone, it usually marks an ending and this is why negative emotions are elicited during this time period. When someone dies, the requirement is to attend a service and wear all black, to signify the beginning of a period of mourning. The focus is put on the absence of the person and the memories which were established with them over time, or the history built with them. When something of value cannot be found, there will likely be a search made, sentiments may be involved, and feelings of nostalgia expressed.
In both situations, it is a time of looking back, feeling a mix of positive and negative energy, and experiencing a sense of being off-balance, as if the world is slightly different now because a thing or person of value is no longer present. Depending upon the circumstances, it can create an emotional and mental setback.
Developing a Mental Setback
A setback occurs from a mental perspective when someone becomes so focused on the absence of what has been lost, they are unable to think clearly about their present life. This often occurs when someone has been involved in a long-term relationship and has established a significant history with this person who is now gone, as a partner, spouse, family member, or someone else who was deeply connected. Their mutually shared view and perception of the world is now altered, seemingly a permanent state, and somehow the person who is "left behind" must think for themselves, make their own decisions, establish new routines, create new habits, and possibly live in the place where the memories with the person who is now gone were made.
Other Forms of Loss
There are many other forms of unexpected loss which can create a mental setback. This can include a gay person who has been kicked out of their house, someone who has been evicted from their home or apartment for a variety of reasons, a person who has lost their job, and/or a person who becomes severely ill and loses part or all of their bodily functions. The feeling that everything is gone or has been taken from you is not confined to just a person or personal object being absent. It can also occur if you have lost the basis of support for your life and it seems as if there is no hope for the future.
The feelings which result are due to the strong attachments developed to what is perceived as "normal" conditions. This includes having a sense of security that you can survive and your basic needs will be met. You can go home and expect you will have your home. You go to work and expect to still have your job. Your body functions as it should and you expect each day that it will do so for you. But then one day, when something changes and you lose any aspect of your normal life, suddenly everything is different and it can feel as if your world has been turned upside down.
Yet the most challenging situation any person can imagine facing is the loss of everything they value, everything but their life. This would the worst-case scenario come true, something no one would ever imagine happening to them. Yet it does happen for many people, often in a domino effect, where it starts with one aspect of their life being upended and the others follow. Perhaps a relationship ends and then the person's health deteriorates. Or a person's job ends and then their house is taken away. There are endless possible combinations for how a person can witness an entire life being taken away, sometime by events which are seemingly beyond their control.
How You Transform Yourself
When negative events begin to occur in a person's life, the natural response is often one of a fight or flight nature. It may be natural to try to fight back in anger, or run away from whatever it is which is causing the emotional turmoil. Neither method brings long-term relief. Trying to figure out what happened, examining the past, looking at decisions made, and checking for clues within the history established to determine if anything could have been done to prevent what occurred; none of these methods will bring answers or resolution. This is especially true within relationships which have reached a conclusion, when one person tries to evaluate the other person's state of mind and how the relationship reached this point, and determine if it could have been avoided. While all of these reactions are natural, they are not restorative in nature.
To transform yourself from any period in your life when something has come to an end, whether a person or physical object is no longer with you, you have to let the transition occur without resistance. This is true for deaths, relationships ending, pets passing on, job losses, home losses, friendships ending, cherished treasures breaking or disappearing, or anything else close to you which is now considered to be gone, even if it is all of these at once. You have to acknowledge this is a time of transition, even if this happens more than once. You cannot stop it and you cannot control it. The more you fight it, the more you become plugged into negative emotions, the more adversely your health will be affected and it will take much longer to mend, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You must breathe in the occurrence and breathe out the negativity you are feeling, every time you feel it within you.
The Collective Consciousness of Mankind is available for you and flows to you and through you. It is now within you as you are reading these words. It is sustaining your body and it is responsible for providing sustenance to the entire universe. Go outside and feel the wind on your body. That is the energy of life around you. Breathe in this life and feel how powerful it is. This is the energy you have access to now. Just because the worst events in life have happened to you does not change who you are or what you have access to, and you need not pray or plead or beg your case to anyone. What you need do is be kind to yourself and remember you are an energy source, part of the source of the purest form of love. There is no fiery pit waiting to consume you. Once your body is no longer active on this Earth, your connection to the Energy Source of Life continues, but as a memory in the Collective Consciousness of Mankind.
If you can allow yourself to relax, even for just a few minutes during the storm and the time of many transitions going on around you, you can begin to listen within. You need no one else, just the ability of your own mind to listen for insight. It will not be someone talking to you, rather it will be ideas, insight, and "aha" moments which come to you. The longer you practice being quiet, the more comfortable you will become with listening for these insights, which is accessed directly from the Higher Order Wisdom of the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. This is a source of pure love. Yes, there is a negative energy stream flowing through you, as energy requires both positive and negative energy to remain balanced. But if you can stay focused on the positive energy stream, any happy memory you can find, you will then tap into the wisdom and insight available to you. The happy memory can be your ability to now trust yourself to be calm and wade through the waters of transition. You are still a good person, you are loved, and you are never alone as you are connected to the Source of Life Energy.
Doesn't this sound like an amazing life you have now? Yes, the worst that can possibility happen may in fact happen, from a physical human perspective. And yes, it will take time for you to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually process it to ensure you do not experience a setback. But when you realize the source of strength and love you have available at any time, why would you ever worry that any transition is the final say for your life? You need never be sad either that someone is gone from your life when you believe someone is "dead" as a passing is merely a transition from the physical form to the higher form, which means this person is now part of the Collective Consciousness you have access to, and you can listen for their insight and wisdom with time and practice. It is up to you and what you can believe yourself capable of learning.
Your life will be challenging, there is no question. But remember the love which flows through you from the Source of Life Energy and when you do, your life's transitions will heal much quicker and in this love you will find your strength and peace of mind. You are beautiful, perfect, and loved. While you may lose everything around you as you live on this Earth, you will never and can never lose your connection to the Source of all Life.
Article Source:
You are quite aware of the fact life is fragile and can be taken away at any moment. You also are familiar with the clichés about life being short and there are no guarantees given to anyone. But what would you do if you woke up tomorrow and everything you cared about, such as your home, your family, and/or your job, were all gone? How would you respond if you lost everything but your life? What would your new reality become? Who would you turn to or would you have anyone you could ask for help?
Your life is a collection of memories, experiences, adventures, and events. It is often referred to as a "history" when in fact, a person can have many "histories" based upon the life they have experienced. If someone has been in multiple relationships, lived in numerous locales, initiated personal transformations, or brought about other forms of significant changes, there are different paths which have been followed throughout their life. This means whenever they reflect upon their past it isn't one history to draw upon and remember, it is many histories with a variety of starting and ending points.
What is prominent in the minds of most people each day is the current path and direction being followed. Most people are thinking about the events of today and how to try to cope with the demands put upon them. The daily responsibilities of a job, along with time spent commuting to and from that job, can take up most of the waking day. Yet some people will be thinking long-term about the future, trying to develop a strategy to be prepared for it, as if it can be controlled. For others, thoughts of the future can provoke fear and apprehension, when it seems as if the present cannot provide for that future. Those who are experiencing mental illness, depression, or cognitive disorders may find fear of the present and the future is part of their every day thought process.
You may find yourself reflecting on the past as a point of reference, trying to compare where you are at now to some prior point in time. The hope is that you are bettering yourself and your life as you develop jobs and a career, whether for yourself and/or your family. It can seem to be a constant struggle, referred to as "trying to make ends meet" or "trying to get ahead", as jobs come and go, within an economy which seems to constantly fluctuate. While you may believe you have the right skills and experience necessary to succeed, finding the right career path may be a challenge as you find yourself continually searching. This creates a mindset of always looking forward and back, making comparisons to where you're going and where you've been. But at the heart of it is usually a good intention, to create a better way forward and a better life.
Then as you progress over time, and you begin to learn what life can teach you, you see what a career and job means to you. There is a new understanding about the skills and experience you possess, along with how you want to leverage the background you have worked so hard to acquire. Perhaps you have a focus on earning a significant income, or you may be seeking a career which offers professional fulfillment. Either way, the longer your career evolves with time, the more you understand what it means to nurture and develop job skills and find fulfilling work. You also develop a deeper awareness and appreciation for those people who are in your life and support your hard work. You want to enjoy your life with those who are closest to you and this is all part of maturing, along with seeking greater meaning from life as you get older. In a sense, it is a growing self-awareness and a personal self-awakening which occurs over time.
As you are getting older, you begin discovering how much you value and appreciate not only your life, but the lives of those you hold close to you. For those of you who are younger and are reading this, you may not quite understand this message. When you are younger, you may only see the present and believe you have nothing but unlimited time ahead of you. It may not be possible to realize the struggles which are ahead for your life, or how many different paths you may travel on in your journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. In fact, if you look at many social media websites, you will see an endless array of photos every day of young people vying for attention, in various stages of dress and undress, trying to express themselves and gain followers. One day you will understand the futile purpose of this time spent, when it fails to produce lasting meaning and fulfillment for your life.
Even more important for awakening to life is being someone who is unique and fails to fit in with societal norms. When you watch television and movies, look at advertising, and listen to rhetoric posed by religious and political leaders, a list of societal norms becomes clear. And just because laws change does not mean those norms change either. Marriage equality will never change most religious dogma. Those who are outside of societal norms include those who are gay, bisexual, transgender, have physical characteristics which are not "normal" (being overweight, disabled), have a "particular" skin color, are of an "unacceptable" culture, and the list continues.
And so, a person can have multiple histories, struggle to develop a career, and feel out of place in society, all at the same time, and still value their life more than ever. Why? Because they want to fit in, feel normal, become accepted, and/or find love.
Assume someone has nurtured a career through high points and low, developed a loving relationship, faced rejection from living outside of societal norms, understands and cherishes the importance of life, and has done the best they can with the circumstances they are in now. What happens if they wake up one day and find they have lost everything? For example, their job was terminated, their relationship ended as a result of their job loss, their home was taken, friends turned their back on this person, and society viewed this person in the worst possible light. How does a person who loves and value life face the loss of everything they cherish when it seems as if all hope is suddenly gone? Is this the consequence of being outside of the societal norm? Is this punishment for living an alternative lifestyle?
Religious leaders will tell this person to pray, and yet praying and pleading your case to a supreme being is not the answer. Mankind is not controlled by a figure in the sky, who is collecting individual souls to wander around streets of gold for all of eternity. Those were metaphors made up as part of the stories created to develop rhetoric for control purposes. The only way to enforce a set of morals is to create a supreme being who is the ultimate judge of man's behavior. Yet there is a source of life and it is an energy source, not a being. The Energy Source of Life is not a person, it is the Collective Consciousness of Mankind or the memories of all humans. This energy source is all around humans, flowing to and through everyone, nurturing and giving life to all the universe. This Energy Source of Life gives sustenance to all living beings, from humans to animals and planets. Through each human's mind they can access the wisdom of this Collective Consciousness for guidance on how to live their lives. This is what man refers to as God, yet it is not a person or a being, but a source of energy which guides all life.
When someone is faced with the loss of all they hold dear, and they discover that praying is not the answer for the situation, what then can they do to help alleviate their pain and create a new outcome? How does someone access the Collective Consciousness of Mankind when their mind is so overwhelmed with thoughts of despair and grief?
A universal truth is this: Humans have established the word "loss" as a powerful emotion to signify tragic events and significant occurrences. In doing so, humans develop strong emotional attachments to each other and to physical objects. The idea of "losing" another human, or a cherished personal belonging, evokes powerful negative emotions within a person. Words such as grief and sorrow are used to express those emotions to one another.
These sentiments have been passed down from one generation to the next. When someone or something has been declared to be gone, there are platitudes offered, usually in the form of an expression which begins with "our thoughts and prayers", as if those words hold any true value to the sender or provide comfort to the receiver. Those expressions have become so over-utilized they almost seem trite, to the point it would almost be more meaningful to acknowledge another person's feelings with no words than state something cliché.
The Mark of an Ending
When a person or cherished personal belonging is no longer with someone, it usually marks an ending and this is why negative emotions are elicited during this time period. When someone dies, the requirement is to attend a service and wear all black, to signify the beginning of a period of mourning. The focus is put on the absence of the person and the memories which were established with them over time, or the history built with them. When something of value cannot be found, there will likely be a search made, sentiments may be involved, and feelings of nostalgia expressed.
In both situations, it is a time of looking back, feeling a mix of positive and negative energy, and experiencing a sense of being off-balance, as if the world is slightly different now because a thing or person of value is no longer present. Depending upon the circumstances, it can create an emotional and mental setback.
Developing a Mental Setback
A setback occurs from a mental perspective when someone becomes so focused on the absence of what has been lost, they are unable to think clearly about their present life. This often occurs when someone has been involved in a long-term relationship and has established a significant history with this person who is now gone, as a partner, spouse, family member, or someone else who was deeply connected. Their mutually shared view and perception of the world is now altered, seemingly a permanent state, and somehow the person who is "left behind" must think for themselves, make their own decisions, establish new routines, create new habits, and possibly live in the place where the memories with the person who is now gone were made.
Other Forms of Loss
There are many other forms of unexpected loss which can create a mental setback. This can include a gay person who has been kicked out of their house, someone who has been evicted from their home or apartment for a variety of reasons, a person who has lost their job, and/or a person who becomes severely ill and loses part or all of their bodily functions. The feeling that everything is gone or has been taken from you is not confined to just a person or personal object being absent. It can also occur if you have lost the basis of support for your life and it seems as if there is no hope for the future.
The feelings which result are due to the strong attachments developed to what is perceived as "normal" conditions. This includes having a sense of security that you can survive and your basic needs will be met. You can go home and expect you will have your home. You go to work and expect to still have your job. Your body functions as it should and you expect each day that it will do so for you. But then one day, when something changes and you lose any aspect of your normal life, suddenly everything is different and it can feel as if your world has been turned upside down.
Yet the most challenging situation any person can imagine facing is the loss of everything they value, everything but their life. This would the worst-case scenario come true, something no one would ever imagine happening to them. Yet it does happen for many people, often in a domino effect, where it starts with one aspect of their life being upended and the others follow. Perhaps a relationship ends and then the person's health deteriorates. Or a person's job ends and then their house is taken away. There are endless possible combinations for how a person can witness an entire life being taken away, sometime by events which are seemingly beyond their control.
How You Transform Yourself
When negative events begin to occur in a person's life, the natural response is often one of a fight or flight nature. It may be natural to try to fight back in anger, or run away from whatever it is which is causing the emotional turmoil. Neither method brings long-term relief. Trying to figure out what happened, examining the past, looking at decisions made, and checking for clues within the history established to determine if anything could have been done to prevent what occurred; none of these methods will bring answers or resolution. This is especially true within relationships which have reached a conclusion, when one person tries to evaluate the other person's state of mind and how the relationship reached this point, and determine if it could have been avoided. While all of these reactions are natural, they are not restorative in nature.
To transform yourself from any period in your life when something has come to an end, whether a person or physical object is no longer with you, you have to let the transition occur without resistance. This is true for deaths, relationships ending, pets passing on, job losses, home losses, friendships ending, cherished treasures breaking or disappearing, or anything else close to you which is now considered to be gone, even if it is all of these at once. You have to acknowledge this is a time of transition, even if this happens more than once. You cannot stop it and you cannot control it. The more you fight it, the more you become plugged into negative emotions, the more adversely your health will be affected and it will take much longer to mend, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You must breathe in the occurrence and breathe out the negativity you are feeling, every time you feel it within you.
The Collective Consciousness of Mankind is available for you and flows to you and through you. It is now within you as you are reading these words. It is sustaining your body and it is responsible for providing sustenance to the entire universe. Go outside and feel the wind on your body. That is the energy of life around you. Breathe in this life and feel how powerful it is. This is the energy you have access to now. Just because the worst events in life have happened to you does not change who you are or what you have access to, and you need not pray or plead or beg your case to anyone. What you need do is be kind to yourself and remember you are an energy source, part of the source of the purest form of love. There is no fiery pit waiting to consume you. Once your body is no longer active on this Earth, your connection to the Energy Source of Life continues, but as a memory in the Collective Consciousness of Mankind.
If you can allow yourself to relax, even for just a few minutes during the storm and the time of many transitions going on around you, you can begin to listen within. You need no one else, just the ability of your own mind to listen for insight. It will not be someone talking to you, rather it will be ideas, insight, and "aha" moments which come to you. The longer you practice being quiet, the more comfortable you will become with listening for these insights, which is accessed directly from the Higher Order Wisdom of the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. This is a source of pure love. Yes, there is a negative energy stream flowing through you, as energy requires both positive and negative energy to remain balanced. But if you can stay focused on the positive energy stream, any happy memory you can find, you will then tap into the wisdom and insight available to you. The happy memory can be your ability to now trust yourself to be calm and wade through the waters of transition. You are still a good person, you are loved, and you are never alone as you are connected to the Source of Life Energy.
Doesn't this sound like an amazing life you have now? Yes, the worst that can possibility happen may in fact happen, from a physical human perspective. And yes, it will take time for you to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually process it to ensure you do not experience a setback. But when you realize the source of strength and love you have available at any time, why would you ever worry that any transition is the final say for your life? You need never be sad either that someone is gone from your life when you believe someone is "dead" as a passing is merely a transition from the physical form to the higher form, which means this person is now part of the Collective Consciousness you have access to, and you can listen for their insight and wisdom with time and practice. It is up to you and what you can believe yourself capable of learning.
Your life will be challenging, there is no question. But remember the love which flows through you from the Source of Life Energy and when you do, your life's transitions will heal much quicker and in this love you will find your strength and peace of mind. You are beautiful, perfect, and loved. While you may lose everything around you as you live on this Earth, you will never and can never lose your connection to the Source of all Life.
Article Source:
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Wisdom From the Universe: Discover Your Life's Purpose
Dr. Bruce A. Johnson
Do you look at your life now and wonder how you have ever reached this point in time? Do you examine your career and see nothing but failures? Are you approaching an age when many begin to think about retirement, yet you have not had a fulfilling job? Has your life and/or career been interrupted, perhaps more than once, with unforeseen circumstances? Or have you just begun your career and believe you have no idea what it is you are supposed to do in life and you feel a sense of wandering and aimlessness?
It would seem as if these are legitimate questions for any person to ask as part of a natural self-assessment phase in their life or career. Yet these commonly asked questions are based upon the essence of self-doubt and nothing more. The problem is not a life, career, or job not being fully realized. The problem is also not knowing where to start a career or job either. The heart of the issue is a failure to understand what the true purpose of life is all about.
A universal truth is this: Man is programmed to believe life occurs in one certain manner and this indoctrination occurs at birth, continues past infancy and into childhood through stories and books, and then confirmed through institutions such as religious, educational, and governmental. These institutions all reinforce the societal expectations and norms regarding right and wrong, good and bad behaviors, and how the path is established and to be followed for becoming a productive member of society.
People find they either fit in or they do not, and those who do not then find they are at odds with society in one way or another. But the idea of just living is not part of the societal plan. A person is expected to become something, have something, and claim they have accomplished something in their life.
When a person struggles with meeting that goal, what do they think? They often question themselves, cast self-doubt, start using blame, and seek guidance. Most who seek spiritual guidance believe they are living according to someone or some other being's plan, the supreme being who created all the universe and to this being they must pray. So if a person is not successful, logic dictates they must have done something wrong and must appease this supreme being who is likely mad or testing them for some unknown reason, withholding success from them for a greater purpose.
And so the praying, pleading, begging, and bargaining begins. It is done all in an attempt to catch the attention of a being who they believe is in control of their future and how it will play out. This person believes they have no control except to please this being and hope this supreme being will in turn grant them the life they want.
Think for a moment beyond what you have been taught if you can. Does your logical mind accept this type of reality? The reality that some being, unseen to humans, controls all of human life, dictates all their futures, and controls their outcomes?
To those who have awakened, to those who are enlightened, you know there is a being we are all connected to and it is an energy source. This energy source is the source of life. We are all made of energy. We are all part of an energy field. Energy is all around us now, unseen to the human eye. This perhaps is what many would want to call God.
Awaken to the Energy Source of Life
The energy Source of Life contains all the memories, knowledge, and wisdom of mankind. It is a Collective Consciousness consisting of positive and negative energy, just as the universe is made up of positive and negative energy. This energetic Source of Life does not control but instead is a living repository of information that all humans have access to. It is where humans originate and within it, new ideas are born, new physical forms are thought of and lives are planned, and it radiates the purest form of love.
The Collective Consciousness of Mankind flows to and through each human being, as signals received and transmitted through their brain. The mind is consciously aware of these signals as thoughts, ideas, aha moments, and instinct. It is what some would also refer to as a soul. This Collective Consciousness of Mankind does not control anything or anyone. It is an energetic repository and it is an energy core, which means it can sustain life. It can sustain the universe and all living things within it. The control is an individual basis, developed by each human through a plan or blueprint established prior to arriving in a physical form.
The information, insight, and wisdom available within this Collective Consciousness is accessible to all without restrictions. The only restrictions ever placed occur when someone doubts or closes their mind to their own ability to listen. When someone believes they can trust themselves, or rely upon themselves to find answers, then wisdom and insight can flow to and through them. This is important as anyone can access this knowledge to learn of their life and what lies ahead for them.
Learning About Your Life and Your Purpose
The most important aspect of establishing an understanding of your life, and what you are meant to do, is awakening to the realization your life is not tied to anyone else. This is especially important when you want to make comparisons to other people and what they have seemed to accomplish or gained that you have not yet achieved. Your place in life is not determined by society. Your life is not controlled by a supreme being who holds a master plan. This may seem troubling for some to read at first, but if you are reading this to begin with there is already something within you that is telling you there are greater truths available that you have yet to find.
What is expected of you as a human being can be summed up as follows: Live Your Life.
This is the only true way to experience life, by living it and experiencing it fully. If you feel a sense of failure, it is only because society wants everything a person does in their career, along with every job they have held, labeled as a success or failure. But even if you have a job and it "fails", does this mean you have failed to live your life in some manner? Are you not living your true purpose? The challenge for asking questions about having a purpose is that it sounds as if there must be something special or extraordinary accomplished with your life. In other words, you must succeed in everything you do. Every job and every task in your life must be a big win or big accomplishment.
But ask yourself this: Isn't it enough to do a good job and know you performed your best? Isn't it enough to know you lived your life as best you could each day?
Every person is living. Every person is experiencing life. But to just have a steady life with jobs, no jobs, ups, downs, successes, and failures, seems too ordinary for many people. To "do something with your life" means you have accomplished something extraordinary, and you likely live a certain lifestyle to show for it. You've built a career, climbed a corporate ladder, gained promotions, and acquired material possessions.
Learn the Secret to Life
Here is the secret to life: Your life's master plan requires no advanced planning on your part. What you have to do is accept your life now and listen for the wisdom, insight, and knowledge that is available to you through the power of your own mind. Your purpose is to live and experience life.
What can get in the way of fulfilling this goal of living in harmony with your own life? There are powerful internal and external forces which can disrupt your happiness. The first internal force is self-doubt or believing you have to be chasing after something. This is not to state that having goals is not useful. But to constantly wish for a future and then make comparisons to where you are now can be a destructive force. The opposite is true as well, when you are constantly looking back and remain stuck in past memories, reminding yourself of decisions made or not made, trying to understand why, and assessing the past, as if this can or will ever change it.
Another powerful interruption occurs whenever you give into doubt or despair, or turn control of your life over to the belief someone else is in charge. You will then find yourself stuck in a cycle of pain, frustration, and anxiety. This comes from the powerful external forces that want you to believe you are not in control of your future and must appease a supreme being in the hope you can have the life you want. When you remember you created this life and your life's plan is already set, you become resistant to those forces.
Welcome life as it is now. Your life is going to have bumps in the road so to speak, physical and emotional bruises, physical and emotional pain, joy and happiness, sorrows and loss, and so much more as part of daily living. This is part of being human. Yet this is not to say you are helpless either. You do have control as you have access to the wisdom of the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. As you learn to listen for this wisdom, you will know what actions to take and when.
You will know when you are following the right path and when to take action or make changes. You will soon discover that the need for measuring success and failure is not as important as it used to be as your fulfillment comes from a different source. It is personal fulfillment or living the life you have planned for yourself. This is how you can live your life with a sense of balance and well-being. No longer will you ask questions about where you have been or where you are going as you have established an internal sense of peace. This is what is means to discover and live your life's purpose.
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Do you look at your life now and wonder how you have ever reached this point in time? Do you examine your career and see nothing but failures? Are you approaching an age when many begin to think about retirement, yet you have not had a fulfilling job? Has your life and/or career been interrupted, perhaps more than once, with unforeseen circumstances? Or have you just begun your career and believe you have no idea what it is you are supposed to do in life and you feel a sense of wandering and aimlessness?
It would seem as if these are legitimate questions for any person to ask as part of a natural self-assessment phase in their life or career. Yet these commonly asked questions are based upon the essence of self-doubt and nothing more. The problem is not a life, career, or job not being fully realized. The problem is also not knowing where to start a career or job either. The heart of the issue is a failure to understand what the true purpose of life is all about.
A universal truth is this: Man is programmed to believe life occurs in one certain manner and this indoctrination occurs at birth, continues past infancy and into childhood through stories and books, and then confirmed through institutions such as religious, educational, and governmental. These institutions all reinforce the societal expectations and norms regarding right and wrong, good and bad behaviors, and how the path is established and to be followed for becoming a productive member of society.
People find they either fit in or they do not, and those who do not then find they are at odds with society in one way or another. But the idea of just living is not part of the societal plan. A person is expected to become something, have something, and claim they have accomplished something in their life.
When a person struggles with meeting that goal, what do they think? They often question themselves, cast self-doubt, start using blame, and seek guidance. Most who seek spiritual guidance believe they are living according to someone or some other being's plan, the supreme being who created all the universe and to this being they must pray. So if a person is not successful, logic dictates they must have done something wrong and must appease this supreme being who is likely mad or testing them for some unknown reason, withholding success from them for a greater purpose.
And so the praying, pleading, begging, and bargaining begins. It is done all in an attempt to catch the attention of a being who they believe is in control of their future and how it will play out. This person believes they have no control except to please this being and hope this supreme being will in turn grant them the life they want.
Think for a moment beyond what you have been taught if you can. Does your logical mind accept this type of reality? The reality that some being, unseen to humans, controls all of human life, dictates all their futures, and controls their outcomes?
To those who have awakened, to those who are enlightened, you know there is a being we are all connected to and it is an energy source. This energy source is the source of life. We are all made of energy. We are all part of an energy field. Energy is all around us now, unseen to the human eye. This perhaps is what many would want to call God.
Awaken to the Energy Source of Life
The energy Source of Life contains all the memories, knowledge, and wisdom of mankind. It is a Collective Consciousness consisting of positive and negative energy, just as the universe is made up of positive and negative energy. This energetic Source of Life does not control but instead is a living repository of information that all humans have access to. It is where humans originate and within it, new ideas are born, new physical forms are thought of and lives are planned, and it radiates the purest form of love.
The Collective Consciousness of Mankind flows to and through each human being, as signals received and transmitted through their brain. The mind is consciously aware of these signals as thoughts, ideas, aha moments, and instinct. It is what some would also refer to as a soul. This Collective Consciousness of Mankind does not control anything or anyone. It is an energetic repository and it is an energy core, which means it can sustain life. It can sustain the universe and all living things within it. The control is an individual basis, developed by each human through a plan or blueprint established prior to arriving in a physical form.
The information, insight, and wisdom available within this Collective Consciousness is accessible to all without restrictions. The only restrictions ever placed occur when someone doubts or closes their mind to their own ability to listen. When someone believes they can trust themselves, or rely upon themselves to find answers, then wisdom and insight can flow to and through them. This is important as anyone can access this knowledge to learn of their life and what lies ahead for them.
Learning About Your Life and Your Purpose
The most important aspect of establishing an understanding of your life, and what you are meant to do, is awakening to the realization your life is not tied to anyone else. This is especially important when you want to make comparisons to other people and what they have seemed to accomplish or gained that you have not yet achieved. Your place in life is not determined by society. Your life is not controlled by a supreme being who holds a master plan. This may seem troubling for some to read at first, but if you are reading this to begin with there is already something within you that is telling you there are greater truths available that you have yet to find.
What is expected of you as a human being can be summed up as follows: Live Your Life.
This is the only true way to experience life, by living it and experiencing it fully. If you feel a sense of failure, it is only because society wants everything a person does in their career, along with every job they have held, labeled as a success or failure. But even if you have a job and it "fails", does this mean you have failed to live your life in some manner? Are you not living your true purpose? The challenge for asking questions about having a purpose is that it sounds as if there must be something special or extraordinary accomplished with your life. In other words, you must succeed in everything you do. Every job and every task in your life must be a big win or big accomplishment.
But ask yourself this: Isn't it enough to do a good job and know you performed your best? Isn't it enough to know you lived your life as best you could each day?
Every person is living. Every person is experiencing life. But to just have a steady life with jobs, no jobs, ups, downs, successes, and failures, seems too ordinary for many people. To "do something with your life" means you have accomplished something extraordinary, and you likely live a certain lifestyle to show for it. You've built a career, climbed a corporate ladder, gained promotions, and acquired material possessions.
Learn the Secret to Life
Here is the secret to life: Your life's master plan requires no advanced planning on your part. What you have to do is accept your life now and listen for the wisdom, insight, and knowledge that is available to you through the power of your own mind. Your purpose is to live and experience life.
What can get in the way of fulfilling this goal of living in harmony with your own life? There are powerful internal and external forces which can disrupt your happiness. The first internal force is self-doubt or believing you have to be chasing after something. This is not to state that having goals is not useful. But to constantly wish for a future and then make comparisons to where you are now can be a destructive force. The opposite is true as well, when you are constantly looking back and remain stuck in past memories, reminding yourself of decisions made or not made, trying to understand why, and assessing the past, as if this can or will ever change it.
Another powerful interruption occurs whenever you give into doubt or despair, or turn control of your life over to the belief someone else is in charge. You will then find yourself stuck in a cycle of pain, frustration, and anxiety. This comes from the powerful external forces that want you to believe you are not in control of your future and must appease a supreme being in the hope you can have the life you want. When you remember you created this life and your life's plan is already set, you become resistant to those forces.
Welcome life as it is now. Your life is going to have bumps in the road so to speak, physical and emotional bruises, physical and emotional pain, joy and happiness, sorrows and loss, and so much more as part of daily living. This is part of being human. Yet this is not to say you are helpless either. You do have control as you have access to the wisdom of the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. As you learn to listen for this wisdom, you will know what actions to take and when.
You will know when you are following the right path and when to take action or make changes. You will soon discover that the need for measuring success and failure is not as important as it used to be as your fulfillment comes from a different source. It is personal fulfillment or living the life you have planned for yourself. This is how you can live your life with a sense of balance and well-being. No longer will you ask questions about where you have been or where you are going as you have established an internal sense of peace. This is what is means to discover and live your life's purpose.
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Wednesday, 30 January 2019
You Want It More Than Anything Why Can't You Have It?
Joan Silva
Over the years I have wanted, desired, sought after and pursued so many ideas, endeavors, careers, things, and lifestyles that it's quite mind boggling.
Did I get most of them? Heck no.
Did I suffer or agonize over not having, getting, or achieving these things? Oh my gosh, yes!
There were times the angst over not getting what I thought I wanted would stay with me for months, if not years. They would flavor all that I did, color my decisions, and often stop me from something even better.
I would use the disappointment to hold me back or to convince myself to not even try.
I also used these painful experiences as lessons to learn and guidance to grow.
But, honestly, who the heck wants another growth opportunity? Can't life just be simple and easy?
What's up with the whole idea that we get itches we can never seem to scratch?
You want it more than anything
why can't you have it?
It's like that itch in the middle of your back that no matter how you twist or turn, you can't reach to scratch it.
It plagues you. Wakes you from a dead sleep. Drives you simply batty.
Where is that dang back scratcher tool when you need it?
And, just like that itch you can't reach, many wants and desires in life never get scratched.
It seems, don't you think, if we want it bad enough, somehow we'd find a way to have it. After all, we are creative human beings with tremendous talents and connections.
Yet, many things in life go unfulfilled and not attained. Or, if achieved, they suddenly are not satisfying.
I know! Frustrating and maddening, sometimes depressing, isn't it?
But, are we meant to have everything we desire, want, or go after?
I think not.
Let's use cravings as an example.
I swear my body wants Cheetos. You know, those orange, disgustingly gross snacks that somehow you can't stop at just a handful? You open the bag and before you can say, I think I've had enough, the bag is empty.
You did say you wanted them, remember? You wanted them bad enough that you hauled your butt into the car, drove to the store and bought them. And, then you ate them.
So, you got what you wanted, right? Indeed you did. And, yet, was it truly a want that was wise to fulfill?
A good friend of mine said the other day that she was learning to trust her body and its messages -- to discern emotional messages (Must have Cheetos now or my life is over!) from body messages (eGads, Cheetos, you've got to be kidding, ick!).
Just like those cravings, we must learn to discern the difference between healthy and not so healthy ones.
Not so easy, is it? The voice that WANTS is loud and insistent. It nags at and pulls on you like a whining child in a grocery story who demands candy! It refuses to budge until you satisfy it. In fact, it'll throw itself on the floor and kick and scream.
Most of us would either satisfy the child or simply step over them and keep on shopping!
What if there was another way? What if you were to be kind to it, acknowledge its deep desire, and sit quietly with it?
In other words, love it. Because it, too, has a deep message for you. Push aside the temper tantrum and notice what the deeper meaning is in the unfulfilled desire. Give it a hug...
And, walk away.
Not all things we desire are meant to be had. Many are just stepping stones to the real thing we are meant to have.
Maybe, just maybe, they are there for only one purpose -- to bring enjoyment to our human journey, our earthly road trip.
No road map needed or available.
From Clutter to Tidy Strategy Session One Focus at a time Let's work on that together • Single session focus - 30 minutes • Get clarity on your a single area • Establish a plan of action • Support and accountability • Face-to-face session via Zoom • Only $49 No matter what you desire to master, make 2018 be the year you say YES to it and stick to it until success.
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Over the years I have wanted, desired, sought after and pursued so many ideas, endeavors, careers, things, and lifestyles that it's quite mind boggling.
Did I get most of them? Heck no.
Did I suffer or agonize over not having, getting, or achieving these things? Oh my gosh, yes!
There were times the angst over not getting what I thought I wanted would stay with me for months, if not years. They would flavor all that I did, color my decisions, and often stop me from something even better.
I would use the disappointment to hold me back or to convince myself to not even try.
I also used these painful experiences as lessons to learn and guidance to grow.
But, honestly, who the heck wants another growth opportunity? Can't life just be simple and easy?
What's up with the whole idea that we get itches we can never seem to scratch?
You want it more than anything
why can't you have it?
It's like that itch in the middle of your back that no matter how you twist or turn, you can't reach to scratch it.
It plagues you. Wakes you from a dead sleep. Drives you simply batty.
Where is that dang back scratcher tool when you need it?
And, just like that itch you can't reach, many wants and desires in life never get scratched.
It seems, don't you think, if we want it bad enough, somehow we'd find a way to have it. After all, we are creative human beings with tremendous talents and connections.
Yet, many things in life go unfulfilled and not attained. Or, if achieved, they suddenly are not satisfying.
I know! Frustrating and maddening, sometimes depressing, isn't it?
But, are we meant to have everything we desire, want, or go after?
I think not.
Let's use cravings as an example.
I swear my body wants Cheetos. You know, those orange, disgustingly gross snacks that somehow you can't stop at just a handful? You open the bag and before you can say, I think I've had enough, the bag is empty.
You did say you wanted them, remember? You wanted them bad enough that you hauled your butt into the car, drove to the store and bought them. And, then you ate them.
So, you got what you wanted, right? Indeed you did. And, yet, was it truly a want that was wise to fulfill?
A good friend of mine said the other day that she was learning to trust her body and its messages -- to discern emotional messages (Must have Cheetos now or my life is over!) from body messages (eGads, Cheetos, you've got to be kidding, ick!).
Just like those cravings, we must learn to discern the difference between healthy and not so healthy ones.
Not so easy, is it? The voice that WANTS is loud and insistent. It nags at and pulls on you like a whining child in a grocery story who demands candy! It refuses to budge until you satisfy it. In fact, it'll throw itself on the floor and kick and scream.
Most of us would either satisfy the child or simply step over them and keep on shopping!
What if there was another way? What if you were to be kind to it, acknowledge its deep desire, and sit quietly with it?
In other words, love it. Because it, too, has a deep message for you. Push aside the temper tantrum and notice what the deeper meaning is in the unfulfilled desire. Give it a hug...
And, walk away.
Not all things we desire are meant to be had. Many are just stepping stones to the real thing we are meant to have.
Maybe, just maybe, they are there for only one purpose -- to bring enjoyment to our human journey, our earthly road trip.
No road map needed or available.
From Clutter to Tidy Strategy Session One Focus at a time Let's work on that together • Single session focus - 30 minutes • Get clarity on your a single area • Establish a plan of action • Support and accountability • Face-to-face session via Zoom • Only $49 No matter what you desire to master, make 2018 be the year you say YES to it and stick to it until success.
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Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Wisdom of the Universe: Do You Wish You Could Have a Different Life?
Dr. Bruce A. Johnson
Have you ever looked in the mirror, or looked around at your present circumstances, and wished you could be someone else or somewhere else altogether?
Do you ever think of going back to a specific point in time, make a different decision based upon what you know now, and alter the course of your life, hopefully for the better?
Does your job, or life without a job, seem so mundane, hopeless, unfulfilling, or lacking you believe you were meant to be living another life?
Whenever there is a life of struggle, pain, loss, suffering, stagnation, and lack of fulfillment, it is a natural reaction to wish for better outcomes and see an improved or different future. For the person who lives outside the norms of society, who feels they are an outcast, is bullied, picked on, abused, or worse, the dreams of escape and living another way can preoccupy all their waking thoughts. Even those who seem to have everything in life may still feel restlessness within, wanting to become someone different, when they find a life of excess can leave emptiness deep within.
From those who have the seemingly worst life, to those who appear to have it all, the number of people who wish for a different life is always quite high. It is a form of mental escapism. Would someone actually go back in time to try to course-correct a decision they have already made? If given an opportunity to do so, there are likely some people who might attempt to do so, and it is generally those who are suffering the most and feel they have nothing left to lose. As to changing lives and becoming someone else completely, this again is another form of mental escapism.
Within the field of New Age spirituality, there is a popular speaker who has developed a cult-like following over the years, someone who tells her followers they are putting their desires into a vibrational vortex, and most people store enough to last them for several lifetimes. She does this for two reasons. First, it is a pat answer given when answers are sought to questions about life and how to deal with the desire for changes. Second, and most important, she offers it as an answer when followers come back later, after discovering their questions are still not answered by learning about a vibrational vortex.
When people seek her advice, it is quite similar to the popular book about Law of Attraction, which unfortunately, is one over-utilized law of many Laws of the Universe. Most people come to realize, generally the hard way, you cannot think your way into getting everything you want in life. There are many more Laws of the Universe, not just one which helps a person when they want to make changes or improvements. People keep seeking her out because they become dependent upon her, never learning what they are capable of actually doing to help themselves, which is the basis of organized religion. When you attend a church service, you are taught to pray, to beg and plead, follow a prescribed set of rules, and if you do not anger the supreme being, you may have your prayers or wishes granted. You never realize your own ability to be in control of your outcomes and therefore you must keep coming back, be reminded of the rules, find out what might anger the supreme being, determine what that church wants you to believe and how you are supposed to live, and perhaps one day you will be rewarded.
Then there are other spiritual teachers who tell you the "universe" is in control, which is never really explained either. Who exactly is the "universe" when someone states "the universe has your back"? This is always an interesting statement to read or hear from a spiritual teacher. When a religious teacher speaks of a supreme being, this gives a person something to focus upon. There are images which have been developed over time to depict this being, for this very purpose. But to state the "universe" is the one controlling human lives makes matters even more mysterious. How do you contact the "universe"? How do you communicate with the "universe"? Do you pray? It seems to be a very mysterious concept and one used when no real answers can be provided.
So now you are back to square one, so to speak. You have sought out religion and perhaps New Age spiritual teachers. Yet perhaps your life, relationships, job, career, health, finances, and/or any other personal factors are causing you extreme distress, to the point you are fantasizing about living as someone else and/or living somewhere else. You are almost to the point you cannot seem to focus on the day as you are waiting for some answer to come to you, something or someone to show you the way. You are imaging the ability to go back in time, hoping if you think hard enough about it, perhaps it will actually come true.
Would it be possible to trade your life or alter the course of your life?
The only way to answer this question is as follows: How would you know if you did swap or alter your timeline? How would you remember this event occurred?
Even more important is this: What if you are asking the wrong questions and focusing your thoughts in the wrong direction?
A universal truth is this: The person you are today is a cumulative result of every action, reaction, inaction, decision, non-decision, success, and failure. There is no other combination which could have created the person you have become now. There were no shortcuts to take along the way, and no one else could have lived this life for you.
When You Do Not Like the Person Today
The basis of wanting to become someone else, be somewhere else, or change past decisions to influence who you are today, is an underlying desire of feeling helpless in your present situation. This is deeply rooted in a genuine dislike for the person you are or believe yourself to be now. As if this isn't challenging enough to overcome, man teaches man to believe that help exists outside of their own abilities and control. When a person is in a state of dislike, and is told someone or some other being decides their fate, the internal turmoil and conflict only deepens. If a person prays and nothing changes, they may feel guilty, as if they have done something wrong. If a person waits on "the universe" or "source" or some other entity for assistance, and it does not arrive, negative internal feelings can worsen.
It comes down to a dislike of self and it is a result of external circumstances, whether or not there was any involvement in the cause of what led up to this point in time. There was either one event or series of events, occurring short-term or over the long-term, which led you to this point in time, even if the root cause cannot be determined.
Does it matter how many failures have occurred in comparison to successes, how many times you lost when you wanted to win, or how little you may possess in terms of money or belongings as compared to others around you? If you are at a point now where you only believe that evolving into another life, or trying to go back and correct your past, is the only method of relief - then you have decided you really do not like the person you are right now.
And this dislike can show up in other ways as well, without dreaming of escape and becoming another person or assuming another person's life. Typically when a person feels their existence is nothing but a series of ongoing mistakes and problems, their mind thinks of escape and begins to feel gloom. When someone feels despair, the creative energy of imagination, or the dreaming of another life, for as little help as it can provide temporarily, is now gone. This is when depression, feelings of hopelessness, and mental darkness sets in. It is a time when a person believes there will never be help available, they are completely powerless, and their life will never get better no matter what anyone might say to them. The longer this attitude continues, the more likely it will result in a tragic ending.
Discovering Your Own Power
The true source of unhappiness can be found in the many teachings that man teaches man. Religious institutions teach dependency on a supreme being who has already created a plan for their life. Some New Age spiritual teachers also teach dependency on their doctrines or connection to a "source". Their followers must await words to be received and translated for them. Then they must rely on a "source" or the "universe" to guide them. Rarely are people taught the power they have available right now.
The author of this post is mentally attuned to the Collective Consciousness of Mankind and has practiced tuning out other thoughts. It has taken time and practice to accomplish this goal, along with writing in journals, to learn to listen for wisdom. To access the Collective Consciousness and Higher Order Wisdom, he visualizes walking into a library and seeking knowledge to share with others. He often starts with a question about life or something he believes others may find helpful. He wants others to know they can do this as well as we are all connected to the Collective Consciousness, the Source of Life Energy. If you are willing to believe in your ability to receive insight and wisdom, you too could begin to start tuning into the endless Wisdom of the Universe. You begin by teaching yourself to tune out daily thoughts, then listen for insight, inspiration, and moments when flashes of new knowledge come to you.
How to Love the Person Today
It is important for you to know right now:
You are beautiful.
You are perfect.
You are loved. Always.
It is time for you to awaken and discover the restorative power you possess.
To love yourself now, you need to turn your focus inward.
When so many events are going on in your life, especially negative situations, the natural reaction is to focus your attention on those events. Then when there have been too many occurrences, which finally push you to the point you begin to fantasize about living another life, you are still thinking externally. You have not really dealt with the emotional and spiritual reactions going on within you.
It is natural to feel this way if you believe someone, something, or some being is in charge. But here is a truth: This is your life. You planned it prior to arrival and you can only delay or interrupt that design through your doubt and disbelief. When you decide all hope is lost, you tune out the positive energy flowing through you.
Every living being is made of positive and negative energy. If you want to begin to change your life, start to pay attention to your thoughts and course-correct yourself by focusing on the positive energy within you. This means looking for something good within your life, whether it is a distant memory or the very fact you are alive right now.
As you shift your focus, you no longer need to be dependent on anyone, anything, or any being for your happiness. Soon you will realize that external events can change. More importantly, it is through your focus on positive energy that you will strengthen your connection to the Collective Consciousness. This will give you the wisdom needed to start new goals for your life, pick yourself up, and get going again.
You can then begin to rediscover who you are and the strengths you possess. The feelings of frustration, darkness, and anxiety will lift away from you in time. It will be a period of transformation and renewal. This will also be a time when you grow to love yourself all over again. More importantly, this is how you become someone else and live a different life, by transforming from the inside out.
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Have you ever looked in the mirror, or looked around at your present circumstances, and wished you could be someone else or somewhere else altogether?
Do you ever think of going back to a specific point in time, make a different decision based upon what you know now, and alter the course of your life, hopefully for the better?
Does your job, or life without a job, seem so mundane, hopeless, unfulfilling, or lacking you believe you were meant to be living another life?
Whenever there is a life of struggle, pain, loss, suffering, stagnation, and lack of fulfillment, it is a natural reaction to wish for better outcomes and see an improved or different future. For the person who lives outside the norms of society, who feels they are an outcast, is bullied, picked on, abused, or worse, the dreams of escape and living another way can preoccupy all their waking thoughts. Even those who seem to have everything in life may still feel restlessness within, wanting to become someone different, when they find a life of excess can leave emptiness deep within.
From those who have the seemingly worst life, to those who appear to have it all, the number of people who wish for a different life is always quite high. It is a form of mental escapism. Would someone actually go back in time to try to course-correct a decision they have already made? If given an opportunity to do so, there are likely some people who might attempt to do so, and it is generally those who are suffering the most and feel they have nothing left to lose. As to changing lives and becoming someone else completely, this again is another form of mental escapism.
Within the field of New Age spirituality, there is a popular speaker who has developed a cult-like following over the years, someone who tells her followers they are putting their desires into a vibrational vortex, and most people store enough to last them for several lifetimes. She does this for two reasons. First, it is a pat answer given when answers are sought to questions about life and how to deal with the desire for changes. Second, and most important, she offers it as an answer when followers come back later, after discovering their questions are still not answered by learning about a vibrational vortex.
When people seek her advice, it is quite similar to the popular book about Law of Attraction, which unfortunately, is one over-utilized law of many Laws of the Universe. Most people come to realize, generally the hard way, you cannot think your way into getting everything you want in life. There are many more Laws of the Universe, not just one which helps a person when they want to make changes or improvements. People keep seeking her out because they become dependent upon her, never learning what they are capable of actually doing to help themselves, which is the basis of organized religion. When you attend a church service, you are taught to pray, to beg and plead, follow a prescribed set of rules, and if you do not anger the supreme being, you may have your prayers or wishes granted. You never realize your own ability to be in control of your outcomes and therefore you must keep coming back, be reminded of the rules, find out what might anger the supreme being, determine what that church wants you to believe and how you are supposed to live, and perhaps one day you will be rewarded.
Then there are other spiritual teachers who tell you the "universe" is in control, which is never really explained either. Who exactly is the "universe" when someone states "the universe has your back"? This is always an interesting statement to read or hear from a spiritual teacher. When a religious teacher speaks of a supreme being, this gives a person something to focus upon. There are images which have been developed over time to depict this being, for this very purpose. But to state the "universe" is the one controlling human lives makes matters even more mysterious. How do you contact the "universe"? How do you communicate with the "universe"? Do you pray? It seems to be a very mysterious concept and one used when no real answers can be provided.
So now you are back to square one, so to speak. You have sought out religion and perhaps New Age spiritual teachers. Yet perhaps your life, relationships, job, career, health, finances, and/or any other personal factors are causing you extreme distress, to the point you are fantasizing about living as someone else and/or living somewhere else. You are almost to the point you cannot seem to focus on the day as you are waiting for some answer to come to you, something or someone to show you the way. You are imaging the ability to go back in time, hoping if you think hard enough about it, perhaps it will actually come true.
Would it be possible to trade your life or alter the course of your life?
The only way to answer this question is as follows: How would you know if you did swap or alter your timeline? How would you remember this event occurred?
Even more important is this: What if you are asking the wrong questions and focusing your thoughts in the wrong direction?
A universal truth is this: The person you are today is a cumulative result of every action, reaction, inaction, decision, non-decision, success, and failure. There is no other combination which could have created the person you have become now. There were no shortcuts to take along the way, and no one else could have lived this life for you.
When You Do Not Like the Person Today
The basis of wanting to become someone else, be somewhere else, or change past decisions to influence who you are today, is an underlying desire of feeling helpless in your present situation. This is deeply rooted in a genuine dislike for the person you are or believe yourself to be now. As if this isn't challenging enough to overcome, man teaches man to believe that help exists outside of their own abilities and control. When a person is in a state of dislike, and is told someone or some other being decides their fate, the internal turmoil and conflict only deepens. If a person prays and nothing changes, they may feel guilty, as if they have done something wrong. If a person waits on "the universe" or "source" or some other entity for assistance, and it does not arrive, negative internal feelings can worsen.
It comes down to a dislike of self and it is a result of external circumstances, whether or not there was any involvement in the cause of what led up to this point in time. There was either one event or series of events, occurring short-term or over the long-term, which led you to this point in time, even if the root cause cannot be determined.
Does it matter how many failures have occurred in comparison to successes, how many times you lost when you wanted to win, or how little you may possess in terms of money or belongings as compared to others around you? If you are at a point now where you only believe that evolving into another life, or trying to go back and correct your past, is the only method of relief - then you have decided you really do not like the person you are right now.
And this dislike can show up in other ways as well, without dreaming of escape and becoming another person or assuming another person's life. Typically when a person feels their existence is nothing but a series of ongoing mistakes and problems, their mind thinks of escape and begins to feel gloom. When someone feels despair, the creative energy of imagination, or the dreaming of another life, for as little help as it can provide temporarily, is now gone. This is when depression, feelings of hopelessness, and mental darkness sets in. It is a time when a person believes there will never be help available, they are completely powerless, and their life will never get better no matter what anyone might say to them. The longer this attitude continues, the more likely it will result in a tragic ending.
Discovering Your Own Power
The true source of unhappiness can be found in the many teachings that man teaches man. Religious institutions teach dependency on a supreme being who has already created a plan for their life. Some New Age spiritual teachers also teach dependency on their doctrines or connection to a "source". Their followers must await words to be received and translated for them. Then they must rely on a "source" or the "universe" to guide them. Rarely are people taught the power they have available right now.
The author of this post is mentally attuned to the Collective Consciousness of Mankind and has practiced tuning out other thoughts. It has taken time and practice to accomplish this goal, along with writing in journals, to learn to listen for wisdom. To access the Collective Consciousness and Higher Order Wisdom, he visualizes walking into a library and seeking knowledge to share with others. He often starts with a question about life or something he believes others may find helpful. He wants others to know they can do this as well as we are all connected to the Collective Consciousness, the Source of Life Energy. If you are willing to believe in your ability to receive insight and wisdom, you too could begin to start tuning into the endless Wisdom of the Universe. You begin by teaching yourself to tune out daily thoughts, then listen for insight, inspiration, and moments when flashes of new knowledge come to you.
How to Love the Person Today
It is important for you to know right now:
You are beautiful.
You are perfect.
You are loved. Always.
It is time for you to awaken and discover the restorative power you possess.
To love yourself now, you need to turn your focus inward.
When so many events are going on in your life, especially negative situations, the natural reaction is to focus your attention on those events. Then when there have been too many occurrences, which finally push you to the point you begin to fantasize about living another life, you are still thinking externally. You have not really dealt with the emotional and spiritual reactions going on within you.
It is natural to feel this way if you believe someone, something, or some being is in charge. But here is a truth: This is your life. You planned it prior to arrival and you can only delay or interrupt that design through your doubt and disbelief. When you decide all hope is lost, you tune out the positive energy flowing through you.
Every living being is made of positive and negative energy. If you want to begin to change your life, start to pay attention to your thoughts and course-correct yourself by focusing on the positive energy within you. This means looking for something good within your life, whether it is a distant memory or the very fact you are alive right now.
As you shift your focus, you no longer need to be dependent on anyone, anything, or any being for your happiness. Soon you will realize that external events can change. More importantly, it is through your focus on positive energy that you will strengthen your connection to the Collective Consciousness. This will give you the wisdom needed to start new goals for your life, pick yourself up, and get going again.
You can then begin to rediscover who you are and the strengths you possess. The feelings of frustration, darkness, and anxiety will lift away from you in time. It will be a period of transformation and renewal. This will also be a time when you grow to love yourself all over again. More importantly, this is how you become someone else and live a different life, by transforming from the inside out.
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Monday, 28 January 2019
'You Can't Have Anything Until You Don't Need It'
Oliver JR Cooper
Earlier on, whilst I was out, I spotted a book that caught my attention. This book was called 'Creating Money: Attracting Abundance', and it was written by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer.
A number of months ago I had looked through another book that Sanaya Roman has written, and this played a part in me reaching out for this book. This book was about awareness, and I remembered looking through it and thinking about how it was full of great advice.
A Different Way
I soon find out that the book about money was channelled, as was the book about awareness. When this takes place, it basically means that someone has received information from a being that is on the other side, so to speak.
I must admit that when I first heard about this, many years ago, I thought it was a bit wacky. But as I'm open minded, I will read just about anything and then come to my own conclusion.
Packed Full of Insights
So, even though this book was also channelled, I was well aware of how good the previous book was. I ended up flicking through the book and a section of it soon caught my eye.
One part said, 'detachment is a mental letting-go, just as surrender is an emotional letting-go.' I thought that this was a good way of looking at the difference between letting go mentally and letting go emotionally.
The Main Part
This wasn't the part of the book that had the biggest impact on me, though; what had the biggest impact was something that touched upon another area. Another section went into need fulfilment and said, 'it has been said that you can't have anything until you don't need it. This is not the same as not wanting it.'
Now, this was not something that I hadn't heard before, but for some reason, I meant more this time. Many years ago, I heard Dov Baron say that 'you can have anything you want as long as you are not attached to it' or something similar.
The Law of Resonance
This comes down to the fact that the world (universe) responds to how we feel, not to what we say we want. If someone wants something and is coming from a place of desperation, the message they are sending out is one of lack, and this is then what they will receive more off.
A simple way to understand this is to think about a time in your life when you were unable to find something that you needed it, yet, when you no longer needed it, it showed up. Your energy would have changed and this would have removed a lot of, if not all of, the resistance that was within you.
Final Thoughts
Two sayings that go into this paradox are 'the hungry never get fed' and 'the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer'. In the first example, the 'hungry' have a strong attachment to food and, in the second, the 'poor' have strong attachment to money.
It could then be said that shows how important it is to be in a place of peace and contentment, as opposed to a place of inner unease and discontentment. Undoubtedly, this is easier said than done.
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Earlier on, whilst I was out, I spotted a book that caught my attention. This book was called 'Creating Money: Attracting Abundance', and it was written by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer.
A number of months ago I had looked through another book that Sanaya Roman has written, and this played a part in me reaching out for this book. This book was about awareness, and I remembered looking through it and thinking about how it was full of great advice.
A Different Way
I soon find out that the book about money was channelled, as was the book about awareness. When this takes place, it basically means that someone has received information from a being that is on the other side, so to speak.
I must admit that when I first heard about this, many years ago, I thought it was a bit wacky. But as I'm open minded, I will read just about anything and then come to my own conclusion.
Packed Full of Insights
So, even though this book was also channelled, I was well aware of how good the previous book was. I ended up flicking through the book and a section of it soon caught my eye.
One part said, 'detachment is a mental letting-go, just as surrender is an emotional letting-go.' I thought that this was a good way of looking at the difference between letting go mentally and letting go emotionally.
The Main Part
This wasn't the part of the book that had the biggest impact on me, though; what had the biggest impact was something that touched upon another area. Another section went into need fulfilment and said, 'it has been said that you can't have anything until you don't need it. This is not the same as not wanting it.'
Now, this was not something that I hadn't heard before, but for some reason, I meant more this time. Many years ago, I heard Dov Baron say that 'you can have anything you want as long as you are not attached to it' or something similar.
The Law of Resonance
This comes down to the fact that the world (universe) responds to how we feel, not to what we say we want. If someone wants something and is coming from a place of desperation, the message they are sending out is one of lack, and this is then what they will receive more off.
A simple way to understand this is to think about a time in your life when you were unable to find something that you needed it, yet, when you no longer needed it, it showed up. Your energy would have changed and this would have removed a lot of, if not all of, the resistance that was within you.
Final Thoughts
Two sayings that go into this paradox are 'the hungry never get fed' and 'the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer'. In the first example, the 'hungry' have a strong attachment to food and, in the second, the 'poor' have strong attachment to money.
It could then be said that shows how important it is to be in a place of peace and contentment, as opposed to a place of inner unease and discontentment. Undoubtedly, this is easier said than done.
Article Source:
Friday, 25 January 2019
Thursday, 24 January 2019
Self-Knowledge: Can Someone Feel Like A Victim If They're Out Of Touch With Their Unconscious Mind?
By Oliver JR Cooper
In both mainstream society and the self-development world, it is not uncommon for the focus to be on the conscious mind. In both of these areas, what is taking place in this part of ones being can be the only thing that matters.
For example, let's say that someone wanted to improve their life; they could end up being told that this shows that they need to believe in themselves. This could then end up being a time when they will start to change their thinking, in order to have more positive thoughts.
A Similar Outlook
Therefore, regardless of whether one looks towards mainstream society for guidance and ends up working with a cognitive behavioural therapist, for instance, or goes a different route and ends up working with a self-development coach who uses positive thinking and affirmations, for instance, one approach won't be radically different to the other.
Through getting their head right, one can believe that their life will start to move in the right direction. Now, there is also the chance that this approach will lead them to their desired destination.
Another Outcome
Then again, one could try this approach and find that their life doesn't really change. Or if it does, they might only be able to get so far and, before long, their life could go back to how it was before.
Consequently, one will be doing what they can to change their life, but it can be as though they are wasting their life. If one felt powerless and as though they had no control over their life before they tried to change their life, this experience could return once again.
A Slightly Different Scenario
Alternatively, could just find that one area of their life is not going as they want it to but they might not look for guidance. For example, someone could be clear about what kind of person they want to be in a relationship with, yet this might not happen.
Instead, they could have the tendency to attract people who are not a good match for them, and they may even be abusive. There will be the kind of person who they want to be with and then there will be the kind of person who they actually end up with.
No Control
As a result of this, it can be normal for them to come to the conclusion that they are unlucky. If this is something that has been going on for quite some time, one could even see themselves as a victim.
In their mind, they will be clear about what they want, and they may have even done what they could to make sure their external appearance is up to scratch. They may even come into contact with people who are surprised that they can't find a decent mate, adding even more weight to their view - if they have this view - that they are a victim.
An Analogy
One way of looking at these two scenarios above would be to say that they have a lot in common with an engineer who tries to fix a computer by focusing on the screen. In this case, it will be clear that the engineer needs to stop focusing on the screen and to look into what is taking place below the screen - the computer itself.
The screen will show that there is something wrong down below, which is why this part will need to be fixed. Trying to fix what is taking place above will just be a waste of time.
A Big Difference
However, while this is something that is going to be clear, the same can't be said it comes to looking at what is taking place at a deeper level of a human being. What is taking place down below is something that is often overlooked in both mainstream society and the self-development world.
It is then as though there is no such thing as an unconscious mind, with someone's life being a reflection of what is taking place in their conscious mind. The part of someone that has the biggest effect on how they behave is then going to be completely overlooked.
The Answers
What someone is likely to find, if they get in touch with what is taking place at a deeper level, is why they are experiencing life in a certain way. But, without the knowledge that is within them, it will be perfectly normal for them to feel like a victim.
It will seem as though the external world is victimising them; when in reality, they will most likely be the ones who are victimising themselves. Now, when it comes to their unconscious mind (body), this is typically the part of them that contains the painful feelings and memories that they are not willing to face.
Out of Mind, But Not Out Of Sight
These feelings and memories will have been forgotten about by their conscious mind, but the unconscious mind will be fully aware of them. And, as their conscious mind is not willing to face these aspects directly, the unconscious mind will have to reveal them to them indirectly and in a symbolic manner.
This part of them can communicate with them in a variety of different ways such as: through dreams, the people who they attract and are drawn to, how their body responds to different food and environments. The trouble is that if one is not aware of these sings, they won't be able to take advantage of them.
There is a quote by Carl Jung that is highly relevant here, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." When someone's starts to work through the trauma that is in their body, they will most likely find that their life gradually starts to change.
The assistance of a therapist or a healer, for instance, may be needed here.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
Article Source:
In both mainstream society and the self-development world, it is not uncommon for the focus to be on the conscious mind. In both of these areas, what is taking place in this part of ones being can be the only thing that matters.
For example, let's say that someone wanted to improve their life; they could end up being told that this shows that they need to believe in themselves. This could then end up being a time when they will start to change their thinking, in order to have more positive thoughts.
A Similar Outlook
Therefore, regardless of whether one looks towards mainstream society for guidance and ends up working with a cognitive behavioural therapist, for instance, or goes a different route and ends up working with a self-development coach who uses positive thinking and affirmations, for instance, one approach won't be radically different to the other.
Through getting their head right, one can believe that their life will start to move in the right direction. Now, there is also the chance that this approach will lead them to their desired destination.
Another Outcome
Then again, one could try this approach and find that their life doesn't really change. Or if it does, they might only be able to get so far and, before long, their life could go back to how it was before.
Consequently, one will be doing what they can to change their life, but it can be as though they are wasting their life. If one felt powerless and as though they had no control over their life before they tried to change their life, this experience could return once again.
A Slightly Different Scenario
Alternatively, could just find that one area of their life is not going as they want it to but they might not look for guidance. For example, someone could be clear about what kind of person they want to be in a relationship with, yet this might not happen.
Instead, they could have the tendency to attract people who are not a good match for them, and they may even be abusive. There will be the kind of person who they want to be with and then there will be the kind of person who they actually end up with.
No Control
As a result of this, it can be normal for them to come to the conclusion that they are unlucky. If this is something that has been going on for quite some time, one could even see themselves as a victim.
In their mind, they will be clear about what they want, and they may have even done what they could to make sure their external appearance is up to scratch. They may even come into contact with people who are surprised that they can't find a decent mate, adding even more weight to their view - if they have this view - that they are a victim.
An Analogy
One way of looking at these two scenarios above would be to say that they have a lot in common with an engineer who tries to fix a computer by focusing on the screen. In this case, it will be clear that the engineer needs to stop focusing on the screen and to look into what is taking place below the screen - the computer itself.
The screen will show that there is something wrong down below, which is why this part will need to be fixed. Trying to fix what is taking place above will just be a waste of time.
A Big Difference
However, while this is something that is going to be clear, the same can't be said it comes to looking at what is taking place at a deeper level of a human being. What is taking place down below is something that is often overlooked in both mainstream society and the self-development world.
It is then as though there is no such thing as an unconscious mind, with someone's life being a reflection of what is taking place in their conscious mind. The part of someone that has the biggest effect on how they behave is then going to be completely overlooked.
The Answers
What someone is likely to find, if they get in touch with what is taking place at a deeper level, is why they are experiencing life in a certain way. But, without the knowledge that is within them, it will be perfectly normal for them to feel like a victim.
It will seem as though the external world is victimising them; when in reality, they will most likely be the ones who are victimising themselves. Now, when it comes to their unconscious mind (body), this is typically the part of them that contains the painful feelings and memories that they are not willing to face.
Out of Mind, But Not Out Of Sight
These feelings and memories will have been forgotten about by their conscious mind, but the unconscious mind will be fully aware of them. And, as their conscious mind is not willing to face these aspects directly, the unconscious mind will have to reveal them to them indirectly and in a symbolic manner.
This part of them can communicate with them in a variety of different ways such as: through dreams, the people who they attract and are drawn to, how their body responds to different food and environments. The trouble is that if one is not aware of these sings, they won't be able to take advantage of them.
There is a quote by Carl Jung that is highly relevant here, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." When someone's starts to work through the trauma that is in their body, they will most likely find that their life gradually starts to change.
The assistance of a therapist or a healer, for instance, may be needed here.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
Article Source:
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
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