Joan Silva
Over the years I have wanted, desired, sought after and pursued so many ideas, endeavors, careers, things, and lifestyles that it's quite mind boggling.
Did I get most of them? Heck no.
Did I suffer or agonize over not having, getting, or achieving these things? Oh my gosh, yes!
There were times the angst over not getting what I thought I wanted would stay with me for months, if not years. They would flavor all that I did, color my decisions, and often stop me from something even better.
I would use the disappointment to hold me back or to convince myself to not even try.
I also used these painful experiences as lessons to learn and guidance to grow.
But, honestly, who the heck wants another growth opportunity? Can't life just be simple and easy?
What's up with the whole idea that we get itches we can never seem to scratch?
You want it more than anything
why can't you have it?
It's like that itch in the middle of your back that no matter how you twist or turn, you can't reach to scratch it.
It plagues you. Wakes you from a dead sleep. Drives you simply batty.
Where is that dang back scratcher tool when you need it?
And, just like that itch you can't reach, many wants and desires in life never get scratched.
It seems, don't you think, if we want it bad enough, somehow we'd find a way to have it. After all, we are creative human beings with tremendous talents and connections.
Yet, many things in life go unfulfilled and not attained. Or, if achieved, they suddenly are not satisfying.
I know! Frustrating and maddening, sometimes depressing, isn't it?
But, are we meant to have everything we desire, want, or go after?
I think not.
Let's use cravings as an example.
I swear my body wants Cheetos. You know, those orange, disgustingly gross snacks that somehow you can't stop at just a handful? You open the bag and before you can say, I think I've had enough, the bag is empty.
You did say you wanted them, remember? You wanted them bad enough that you hauled your butt into the car, drove to the store and bought them. And, then you ate them.
So, you got what you wanted, right? Indeed you did. And, yet, was it truly a want that was wise to fulfill?
A good friend of mine said the other day that she was learning to trust her body and its messages -- to discern emotional messages (Must have Cheetos now or my life is over!) from body messages (eGads, Cheetos, you've got to be kidding, ick!).
Just like those cravings, we must learn to discern the difference between healthy and not so healthy ones.
Not so easy, is it? The voice that WANTS is loud and insistent. It nags at and pulls on you like a whining child in a grocery story who demands candy! It refuses to budge until you satisfy it. In fact, it'll throw itself on the floor and kick and scream.
Most of us would either satisfy the child or simply step over them and keep on shopping!
What if there was another way? What if you were to be kind to it, acknowledge its deep desire, and sit quietly with it?
In other words, love it. Because it, too, has a deep message for you. Push aside the temper tantrum and notice what the deeper meaning is in the unfulfilled desire. Give it a hug...
And, walk away.
Not all things we desire are meant to be had. Many are just stepping stones to the real thing we are meant to have.
Maybe, just maybe, they are there for only one purpose -- to bring enjoyment to our human journey, our earthly road trip.
No road map needed or available.
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