Tuesday 29 January 2019

Wisdom of the Universe: Do You Wish You Could Have a Different Life?


Have you ever looked in the mirror, or looked around at your present circumstances, and wished you could be someone else or somewhere else altogether?

Do you ever think of going back to a specific point in time, make a different decision based upon what you know now, and alter the course of your life, hopefully for the better?

Does your job, or life without a job, seem so mundane, hopeless, unfulfilling, or lacking you believe you were meant to be living another life?

Whenever there is a life of struggle, pain, loss, suffering, stagnation, and lack of fulfillment, it is a natural reaction to wish for better outcomes and see an improved or different future. For the person who lives outside the norms of society, who feels they are an outcast, is bullied, picked on, abused, or worse, the dreams of escape and living another way can preoccupy all their waking thoughts. Even those who seem to have everything in life may still feel restlessness within, wanting to become someone different, when they find a life of excess can leave emptiness deep within.

From those who have the seemingly worst life, to those who appear to have it all, the number of people who wish for a different life is always quite high. It is a form of mental escapism. Would someone actually go back in time to try to course-correct a decision they have already made? If given an opportunity to do so, there are likely some people who might attempt to do so, and it is generally those who are suffering the most and feel they have nothing left to lose. As to changing lives and becoming someone else completely, this again is another form of mental escapism.

Within the field of New Age spirituality, there is a popular speaker who has developed a cult-like following over the years, someone who tells her followers they are putting their desires into a vibrational vortex, and most people store enough to last them for several lifetimes. She does this for two reasons. First, it is a pat answer given when answers are sought to questions about life and how to deal with the desire for changes. Second, and most important, she offers it as an answer when followers come back later, after discovering their questions are still not answered by learning about a vibrational vortex.

When people seek her advice, it is quite similar to the popular book about Law of Attraction, which unfortunately, is one over-utilized law of many Laws of the Universe. Most people come to realize, generally the hard way, you cannot think your way into getting everything you want in life. There are many more Laws of the Universe, not just one which helps a person when they want to make changes or improvements. People keep seeking her out because they become dependent upon her, never learning what they are capable of actually doing to help themselves, which is the basis of organized religion. When you attend a church service, you are taught to pray, to beg and plead, follow a prescribed set of rules, and if you do not anger the supreme being, you may have your prayers or wishes granted. You never realize your own ability to be in control of your outcomes and therefore you must keep coming back, be reminded of the rules, find out what might anger the supreme being, determine what that church wants you to believe and how you are supposed to live, and perhaps one day you will be rewarded.

Then there are other spiritual teachers who tell you the "universe" is in control, which is never really explained either. Who exactly is the "universe" when someone states "the universe has your back"? This is always an interesting statement to read or hear from a spiritual teacher. When a religious teacher speaks of a supreme being, this gives a person something to focus upon. There are images which have been developed over time to depict this being, for this very purpose. But to state the "universe" is the one controlling human lives makes matters even more mysterious. How do you contact the "universe"? How do you communicate with the "universe"? Do you pray? It seems to be a very mysterious concept and one used when no real answers can be provided.

So now you are back to square one, so to speak. You have sought out religion and perhaps New Age spiritual teachers. Yet perhaps your life, relationships, job, career, health, finances, and/or any other personal factors are causing you extreme distress, to the point you are fantasizing about living as someone else and/or living somewhere else. You are almost to the point you cannot seem to focus on the day as you are waiting for some answer to come to you, something or someone to show you the way. You are imaging the ability to go back in time, hoping if you think hard enough about it, perhaps it will actually come true.

Would it be possible to trade your life or alter the course of your life?

The only way to answer this question is as follows: How would you know if you did swap or alter your timeline? How would you remember this event occurred?

Even more important is this: What if you are asking the wrong questions and focusing your thoughts in the wrong direction?

A universal truth is this: The person you are today is a cumulative result of every action, reaction, inaction, decision, non-decision, success, and failure. There is no other combination which could have created the person you have become now. There were no shortcuts to take along the way, and no one else could have lived this life for you.

When You Do Not Like the Person Today

The basis of wanting to become someone else, be somewhere else, or change past decisions to influence who you are today, is an underlying desire of feeling helpless in your present situation. This is deeply rooted in a genuine dislike for the person you are or believe yourself to be now. As if this isn't challenging enough to overcome, man teaches man to believe that help exists outside of their own abilities and control. When a person is in a state of dislike, and is told someone or some other being decides their fate, the internal turmoil and conflict only deepens. If a person prays and nothing changes, they may feel guilty, as if they have done something wrong. If a person waits on "the universe" or "source" or some other entity for assistance, and it does not arrive, negative internal feelings can worsen.

It comes down to a dislike of self and it is a result of external circumstances, whether or not there was any involvement in the cause of what led up to this point in time. There was either one event or series of events, occurring short-term or over the long-term, which led you to this point in time, even if the root cause cannot be determined.

Does it matter how many failures have occurred in comparison to successes, how many times you lost when you wanted to win, or how little you may possess in terms of money or belongings as compared to others around you? If you are at a point now where you only believe that evolving into another life, or trying to go back and correct your past, is the only method of relief - then you have decided you really do not like the person you are right now.

And this dislike can show up in other ways as well, without dreaming of escape and becoming another person or assuming another person's life. Typically when a person feels their existence is nothing but a series of ongoing mistakes and problems, their mind thinks of escape and begins to feel gloom. When someone feels despair, the creative energy of imagination, or the dreaming of another life, for as little help as it can provide temporarily, is now gone. This is when depression, feelings of hopelessness, and mental darkness sets in. It is a time when a person believes there will never be help available, they are completely powerless, and their life will never get better no matter what anyone might say to them. The longer this attitude continues, the more likely it will result in a tragic ending.

Discovering Your Own Power

The true source of unhappiness can be found in the many teachings that man teaches man. Religious institutions teach dependency on a supreme being who has already created a plan for their life. Some New Age spiritual teachers also teach dependency on their doctrines or connection to a "source". Their followers must await words to be received and translated for them. Then they must rely on a "source" or the "universe" to guide them. Rarely are people taught the power they have available right now.

The author of this post is mentally attuned to the Collective Consciousness of Mankind and has practiced tuning out other thoughts. It has taken time and practice to accomplish this goal, along with writing in journals, to learn to listen for wisdom. To access the Collective Consciousness and Higher Order Wisdom, he visualizes walking into a library and seeking knowledge to share with others. He often starts with a question about life or something he believes others may find helpful. He wants others to know they can do this as well as we are all connected to the Collective Consciousness, the Source of Life Energy. If you are willing to believe in your ability to receive insight and wisdom, you too could begin to start tuning into the endless Wisdom of the Universe. You begin by teaching yourself to tune out daily thoughts, then listen for insight, inspiration, and moments when flashes of new knowledge come to you.

How to Love the Person Today

It is important for you to know right now:

You are beautiful.

You are perfect.

You are loved. Always.

It is time for you to awaken and discover the restorative power you possess.

To love yourself now, you need to turn your focus inward.

When so many events are going on in your life, especially negative situations, the natural reaction is to focus your attention on those events. Then when there have been too many occurrences, which finally push you to the point you begin to fantasize about living another life, you are still thinking externally. You have not really dealt with the emotional and spiritual reactions going on within you.

It is natural to feel this way if you believe someone, something, or some being is in charge. But here is a truth: This is your life. You planned it prior to arrival and you can only delay or interrupt that design through your doubt and disbelief. When you decide all hope is lost, you tune out the positive energy flowing through you.

Every living being is made of positive and negative energy. If you want to begin to change your life, start to pay attention to your thoughts and course-correct yourself by focusing on the positive energy within you. This means looking for something good within your life, whether it is a distant memory or the very fact you are alive right now.

As you shift your focus, you no longer need to be dependent on anyone, anything, or any being for your happiness. Soon you will realize that external events can change. More importantly, it is through your focus on positive energy that you will strengthen your connection to the Collective Consciousness. This will give you the wisdom needed to start new goals for your life, pick yourself up, and get going again.

You can then begin to rediscover who you are and the strengths you possess. The feelings of frustration, darkness, and anxiety will lift away from you in time. It will be a period of transformation and renewal. This will also be a time when you grow to love yourself all over again. More importantly, this is how you become someone else and live a different life, by transforming from the inside out.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10059527

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