Wednesday 21 November 2018

Wisdom From the Universe: Learn How to Direct Your Energy and Focus

Are you aware of your thoughts and the focus of what you are thinking about at any given time, or do you believe your thoughts are randomly occurring? Have you ever considered there is an energetic connection between what you are thinking and what you are feeling? Would you like to experience better feelings and in turn, shift your attention away from thoughts that are upsetting and/or emotionally distressing?

There is a phrase used by humans and when it is expressed, it is given as a pass, to accept, forgive, or explain something a person has said or done. That phrase is "being human". If you were involved in a relationship and it ended, resulting in strong emotional outbursts or tears, someone might say to you, "that's okay, you are only human".

It is believed there are inherent "natural" reactions to life events and circumstances, as if human minds are programmed to act in this manner automatically. But the reality is that the mind is directional by nature, guided by the intentions of the human who directs or guides or instructs it. A person can condition their mind to respond to situations in a particular manner, which in turn becomes a practiced habit and therefore may appear to be a human response versus a learned response.

This means the mind is and can be trained. Every day, and with everything you do, you are training your mind, and at an energetic level. There are several possible states you can train your mind to be in and it is divided between positive and negative energy. There are different versions of positive and negative energetic states of mind. A person who worries about finances is training the mind to focus on the fear of impending failure. A person who worries about health is training the mind to focus on the negative energy of the fear of the unknown.

But the person who decides to focus on happy memories, their accomplishments, and what they have learned in life, they are training their mind to focus on the positive energy stream. When the mind is trained to look inward and feel good, negative situations do not likely prompt the response typically expected, from upset to anger. That is due to a trained focus, the directional flow towards positive, productive energy. The converse is also true. A trained negative focus can prompt irrational, loud, aggressive, responses which can flow unchecked.

Can the Mind Be Trained?

For most people, the idea of a trained mind may seem odd. But this is no different than religious institutions teaching people to pray. That is a form of directional flow, even if it is to a perceived being. It is a matter of turning the attention of the mind and training it to stay in one direction on a consistent basis. This is also called attunement.


It is also possible to become practiced at directing the mind towards a positive energetic flow but then have moments when the mind is diverted to something negative. There are many negative influences surrounding humans, from what is available online to what can be seen on the news.

A Connection to Emotional Intelligence

Even those who are the most well-practiced can feel a pull towards negative energy and if they are not careful, they too can be drawn in. But with practice, the emotional discord can be felt and recognized quickly, and focus towards positive energy restored. A name has been given for this ability and it has been called emotional intelligence. What this phrase does is to explain the process at a superficial level, something most people can understand. But what is really going on is much deeper than that as it occurs at an energetic level. The reason why is that thoughts alone are not enough to change emotions felt, there must also be a shift in the connection to the energetic flow, from negative to positive.

Being Connected to Positive and Negative Energy

Then the question some humans raise is this: Why should I care so much about feeling connected to the positive energetic stream at all times? The answer is simple. It is where feelings of pure happiness and love and well-being flow. You see evidence of those who are attuned to a negative energetic flow all around you, including everyone who has done something that society would label evil, hateful, unthinkable, bad, wrong, and so on. For many of those people, a negative energetic flow has occurred for so long it is now a practiced feeling.

The result of an ongoing connection to a negative energy flow is generally very self-destructive to the human body and its well-being. It deteriorates the mind and can lead to outward manifestations, such as actions taken which negatively affect others. This can be small actions, from negative comments to antisocial behavior, to unthinkable or unforgivable actions. In contrast, a practiced focus towards positive energy helps to establish harmony within the body and with others. It ensures a peaceful existence within and it is usually manifested outward with others. There are varying degrees as a person can flow in and out of this state, depending upon their level of discipline.

Learning to Change Your Focus

Because you are reading this now, it means you care about how you feel. Pay attention to how you are training your mind and what you are creating as a point of focus. You will know how you feel within the connection to a positive or negative energetic source by the emotions you experience. You do not need to experience bliss or even pure happiness at all times. Even a sense of balance and contentment is enough to establish stability and a focus towards the best in life. Your mind follows the direction you lead it and produces thoughts accordingly. Nothing is produced randomly.

This knowledge tells you that if you want to change how you feel and what you are experiencing now, it is time to take better control of the focus you give to your mindset. You do not need affirmations or anything more than to shift to thoughts of something that allows you to experience a positive emotion. Then you must guard your mind from the external environment and the negativity which would distract your focus. You decide what is important to know for life and what you can do without to protect your well-being, especially if you are now struggling with a problem of chronic negative thoughts.

After mental housekeeping, or evaluating external influences, be prepared to pay more attention to internal influences and how one negative thought can take you down a path of many more negative thoughts. As you ready yourself internally and externally, you are now prepared to better hold a focus towards the good in life, the best in yourself and others, and this will help you stay connected to the positive energy stream.

A universal truth is this: Through an ongoing connection to the positive energetic stream, the insight and wisdom of Higher Order Collective Consciousness will flow easily to you and through you. This helps you feel as if you can face each day, no matter what opportunities and challenges it may bring to you as you have an energetic connection to the Source of Life energy which has all knowledge, all wisdom, and gives life to all humans.

The external environment around you may remain the same, with its problems, financial challenges, societal noise, and negative influences. But when you are positively focused and energetically balanced, you are connected, attuned, and capable of remaining in harmony. Even if your focus should shift, for a minute, a day, or a week, you know how to train yourself back into to the positive energy stream and you can shift your focus back again. With time and practice, you will soon learn to focus just by how you feel. Then you will live in energetic harmony, balanced internally, and listening uninterrupted for the wisdom you need to live the life you have planned.

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