Sunday 2 December 2018

Wisdom From the Universe: Finding Transformation, Acceptance, and Love


Do you find that you are accepted by all of society? Are you someone who fits in and is loved for who you are? Or do you constantly struggle and live with internal turmoil?

Within society there is division. People are not always viewed just as people. They are divided by race, class, status, income, culture, appearance, location, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and so many other factors. There are stereotypes, genders, the "haves and have nots", those who are viewed as normal and those who are the outcasts, and the list continues. When people are viewed as different from one another in society, this sense of division creates tension among groups and can escalate to the point that clashes become stunning headlines on the news.

Then religions insert dictates of morals based upon a sacred text that is never allowed to be questioned, even though the basis of the text itself is a highly edited and outdated set of documents that was cobbled together to control groups of people in a different time period, making much of it irrelevant for human existence today. Without that sacred book religious leaders would not have justification for the division their dogma creates. Religious affiliation furthers intensifies the divide among people in society, especially when it is used to justify hatred, exclusion, intolerance, and mistreatment towards any other human beings.

Every human being is connected to the Collective Consciousness of Mankind through the power of their mind, which is a transmitter and receiver. When anyone or any institution attempts to dictate how any person is to feel about their connection to this Source of Life Energy, and the wisdom that is naturally available to them at any time, it is meant to do so for the purpose of control, exclusion, and division. If a person allows this to happen, to believe they are excluded from "God's love" or "Source" or "the Universe" or similar phrasing, this creates a mental barrier which in turn cuts off the flow of wisdom from the Collective Consciousness or Source of Life Energy.

With the feeling of exclusion so ever present in society for so many individuals, it can be challenging for some to feel as if they fit in or belong, as the definition of normal is so narrowly established. In fact, normal can vary from one competing group to another. Anyone who does not fit into the right set of categories and classifications may soon find themselves feeling as if they are sitting on the sidelines, excluded from the benefits afforded to those deemed perfect, normal, and acceptable.

The option for anyone who does not fit in is to join in with in with "normal" society, if it can be determined how to properly convert, change, give in, adapt, and then be willing to deny any or all of who they are. Some people will attempt to convert or hide their true identity in order to avoid their true nature being "found out" by society. But this risk of exposure can weigh heavy on the person's mind and heart. Many will eventually reach a point in their life when they come out of hiding and reveal who they truly are and for once feel a sense of freedom, realizing that there is no real "normal" in life. Others who find themselves to be outcasts may remain on the fringe and live the role of the person who is always "less than" according to society, always out of the reach of the best that society can offer to those who are accepted. But there is always a sense of conflict that will reside within, whether it is acknowledged or not.

An alternative to giving in or giving up, to resolve the internal conflict felt, is to find personal transformation and acceptance from within, through a connection to the Collective Consciousness of Mankind, and love from the Source of Life Energy.

A universal truth is this: The essence of all life is energy and as energetic beings there is no separation, no division, and no sense of not belonging. All of humans are connected to the Source of Life Energy and through this connection it is possible to receive and transmit information to and from the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. An energetic being is a pure, positive state of happiness and love, balanced by a flow of unhappiness that is negative energy.

It is the duality which creates all of life, including all of the universe. But the pure essence of a human is the energy that makes up the living body, a glowing field of moving particles unseen to the eye, directing bodily functions and sustaining necessary organs. This energy source knows no sense of division or categorization and it flows the same to every living being without any need for approval.

To understand the essence of a human is to know the real you, or the living part of your body. You may be focused on the exterior of your human body and how you fit in with others around you, yet what creates the person who is you is born from the life essence within you. It comprises the heart of your being, from which your characteristics and qualities emerge, along with your personality, talents, and skills.

Being a Target of Society

It is possible to have the seemingly perfect exterior, with a feeling you fit in with the popular groups, but your interior self is filled full of turmoil as you are so caught up on appearances you forgot to pay attention to how you feel inside. It can be easy to get fixated on trying to fit in, conform, adapt, or even hide, especially if you are a target of verbal attacks, bullying, abuse, or anything else derogatory in nature. Often this happens to young children when they are perceived as different and it may follow them into their adulthood. The longer this turmoil goes on, the worse a person feels about their ability to belong as a contributing member of society.

Being on the fringe of society, the outcast, the one who doesn't fit in, the loner, or the person who exhibits any quality or characteristic deemed unacceptable, unnatural, or unnormal can be stressful. It can lead to mental health issues and worse. Rarely does someone who fails to fit in find complete happiness in life or a feeling of being loved for who they are as a person, unless they find someone who is of a similar nature and can relate to their outer struggle and still see the inner qualities they possess. For many, they may even find themselves resorting to self-denial, even trying to hide, in an attempt to blend in with society.

Many believe that the passage of rights and laws will change how society behaves towards those who are marked different. But equality laws do not change how religious institutions treat those of a sexual orientation deemed abnormal and never will. Workplace rights will never change how employees treat those who are overweight. Civil rights will never completely erase the racial tensions in this country. A person who is seeking peace must not look to the laws to find it. They must look within.

Learn About Personal Transformation

The good news is that transformation can occur at any point in time and for anyone. For those who have been victimized, traumatized, and even hospitalized, the healing and reform will take time. For those who experience daily abuse, threats, harassment, taunting, or bullying, this is not to state this will stop that behavior. But transformation begins by refusing to listen to those who want to harm you. You don't listen to religious leaders who try to define groups or twist words from an outdated text to harm you.

You do not allow words of others to determine your status, worth, or place in society. It may sound like something that is too easy to believe, but a turning point has to begin in your life if you want change to begin and it has to start with you. It has to start with you tuning out the sound of the people who are influencing you and telling you who you are. Only you know who you are and only you get to decide what to believe. No one else.

Transformation continues when you accept yourself as a perfect human being. There are no mistakes. You designed this life and you planned it before you came. You do not have to accept or believe that now. You only need to believe what resonates with your inner being at this time. You are a perfectly balanced energetic being who is connected to the greatest source of knowledge and wisdom.

Acceptance comes from you, not from others. If you like yourself, you will feel better, even if you are being bullied. You must accept that you are who you are, without hiding or denying, along with how you look, is worthy of love. Every human being is worthy of love, without condition. It comes from the Source of Life Energy, the purest form of love. But you as a person need to accept your worthiness even if you see what you believe to be flaws or imperfections.

When you do, when you accept your own worthiness, you open the mental pathway to receive pure energetic strength, perseverance, support, and love from the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. This is a transformative experience, to shield yourself from the talk of others and instead focus on acceptance of yourself. You will find you are drawing upon an internal source of strength you never knew you had before and that is your energetic connection growing strong.

You need never feel separated or divided from life. Look within when others would have you focus on your exterior and there you will find your true source of power. You are accepted and loved by the Source of Life, the energy of life which is flowing to you and through you, the purest form of love available. As you draw upon this love and this source of power, you will no longer be concerned about where to fit in or how to adapt to a highly divided society. You will learn to find your own way and follow your own path. You will live your true destiny and in time, develop a lasting sense of peace.

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